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  • PikeCongerEelMalong86fb10_1558948546346_1574951915957_1577643913909_1579367966929_1588602079104.jpg

PRE-CUT Pike-Conger Eel / Malong

Regular price
RM 26.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Sale price
RM 26.00

Cooking this highly nutritious eel with black beans, red dates and kombu is perfect for mothers and kids. Naturally sweet and recommendation of no additional seasonings required.

1. These are wild-caught fishes!

2. Price is PER pack.

3. All fishes are clean and gutted, then vacuum-packed to ensure freshness and quality!

4. After the process, the weight and size of our fishes will differ about 10-20%.
